
(Part 3) If you like Buck-Tick, you might also like...

If you like "Hamushi no You ni," you might also like...

If you like "Only You," you might also like...


(Apologies for the fact that "Only You" doesn't appear to be on YouTube...Buck-Tick hasn't played it live yet either.  Cayce to Buck-Tick: we are waiting.)




Please note that even the lyrics to "Crimson Moon" sound like a sentiment Sakurai could easily agree with.  So if you like Buck-Tick, boogie-woogie disco dance the shit out of that shit.




1 comment:

  1. I like 月下麗人 very much, but somehow it sounds similar to old Polish-Ukrainian folk song Hej Sokoły:P
    (Here's one odd version:


How have you been heart feeling?