
寿記 04.07.10 Kuchizuke & Shiki


This is our new song.

To be released on September 1st.

It's going to be the opening theme of the anime series "Shiki" on Fuji Television.



"Shiki" is a novel by Ono Fuyumi.

I used to have a hard cover copy of the whole thing right here in this very room,

And I thought to myself, "This looks very interesting, but I'll read it after I finish reading Tokyo Ibun."

So I kept putting off reading it.

Tokyo Ibun is also an Ono Fuyumi novel.


Then the novel "Shiki" got made into a manga drawn by Fujisaki Ryuu, and then into the television anime series.

I have every volume of the manga series "Houshin Engi," also drawn by Fujisaki Ryuu.


So then I read the manga for "Shiki."

It was really good.


So scary, there were parts where I wanted to shout aloud "oh god, this is too fucking scary!"



I started making "Kuchizuke" after I read the manga.

Alone, in my basement room.

It was scary.

I kept worrying what I would see if I turned around...


The image I was trying to paint with this song is "the night with no dawn."

The working title for it was "Prologue."

I think I made something that's both strong, violent, and melodious.

A song full of junk sounds, and sweeeeet sounds.


The anime starts airing on July 8th.

...I'm really excited.





But still, a song I wrote, as the opening theme for the work of Ono Fuyumi and Fujisaki Ryuu...

It's just, amazing, really.


So this picture was taken at the site of the "Kuchizuke" PV filming...



...? ...wait...I think you can see something that looks like people...

Though it wasn't a place that people could get to...

Well, whatever.

IMAI 00:00


  1. I've had it pre-ordered for weeks now.....and I can't wait to get the single. I loved Dokudanjou Beauty, and this one is especially hard to wait for...I dunno why but it is. Hurry up September....ahhh!

    btw The cover photography for the single...wow. Anyways, thanks for the translation! Glad you take the time to do this, you know!

  2. I love to read these "song making" entries. Thank you for translating! :)


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