
Buck-Tick Bus

And after I insisted that Buck-Tick didn't have the money to send trucks driving through Harajuku pasted with their billboards blasting Razzle Dazzle into the Tokyo frazzle, it turns out that from Monday October 11th (yesterday) to Sunday October 17th (next Sunday) they will be (have been) doing just that.

According to the band's official home page, the Buck-Tick "Hikaru Bus" will be driving around the city, ghetto-blastering Razzle Dazzle through Shibuya, Shinjuku, Harajuku, and Ikebukuro (and no doubt, the gray areas between them. Aoyama Avenue, etc.) The bus will be driving different routes on different days.

So you Buck-Tick fans born in the 90's, if you still aren't sure what you want to be when you grow up, just imagine being paid to drive a giant truck that blasts Buck-Tick through the world's biggest megalopolis. A dream job! Like driving an ice cream truck, but better. So while you're in your driver's ed course, make sure you practice driving on the left side of the road.


  1. Waiting, waiting. Only 2 days left before Razzle Dazzle. Nice.

  2. AHhhh!!!!!!! ALmost ...out....can't wait....eeeee! For some reason this album has got me sooo restless! I hope they promote the sh** out of it until next year!

  3. Oh yeah! I would love that job if I were born in the '90's, but alas I was born with that lovely batch of boys in the '60's!! LOL

  4. just got it in the mail just now....and I like #5 the most so far......ahhhhhh can't read Japanese though, ahhhh I love it already! It sounds retro in a way dontcha think....hmmmm!

  5. Pimpin' the most awesome band in the world through Tokyo? Screw uni, I want this job! XD

    RAZZLE DAZZLE sounds amazing btw. I'm looking forward to your review Cayce(if/when you're free to do it).

  6. Oh wow, these pictures and post amused me to no end. Ahhh, why can't I be anywhere at the right time...?


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