"Countdown TV festival 2012."
"Please welcome, BUCK-TICK!"
"...and also, Abingdon Boys School."
"...you may have noticed that Takanori is wearing no pants."
Takanori: As you may have noticed, I'm not wearing pants.
Flower Girls: "Zomg squee, there are like no bright colors on this stage!"
Takanori: "You have that right, my darlings. Our masks are dark and heavy!"
"....isn't that right Acchan-sama?"
Takanori: "We are not moe at all, I fear."
"But we're also not scary, so don't fear us!"
"Acchan-sama is not a bad man!"
"I repeat, he's not a bad man!"
"Really he's rather a good man"
"Or should I say, a fine man"
"Meaning, a fine specimen of a man!"
Takanori: "I repeat, do these look like bad guys to you?"
"They are not bad guys."
"Girlfriend, just look at Imai's cute smile."
"Cute, I tell you."
"It's all fabulous, right Acchan-chan?"
Sakurai: "Yeah, it's fabulous."
Takanori: "Like totally fabulous."
Takanori: "This is awesome."
"I wanna touch myself."
"And you may remember that I'm not wearing pants."
"Hiiiiiii guys!!! We just switched emcees for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON."
"My name is Becky."
"Pleased ta meetcha."
"Let's welcome BUCK-TICK again, just because we can!"
"And this rando who just showed up, CHARA!"
"We luv your hair Chara. Like totes for realz."
"And these emo boys!!!"
Emo Boys: "Hi, we are Emo Boys."
Becky: "Now let's welcome Abingdon Boys School again, too!"
Takanori: "As you may remember, I'm not wearing pants."
Becky: "Takanori isn't wearing pants!!!"
"But to continue on..."
"...with our program..."
"...Buck-Tick and Chara together, this is legendary!"
"Like really!"
"Like who would have guessed this would ever happen?"
"Like, it's enough to make your pants fall off!"
Takanori: "Actually, my pants fell off!"
"But why do you make me keep talking, anyway?
"So there won't be an accident???"
Becky: "No way, nothing like that!"
Takanori: "Anyhoo, this is my first time meeting Chara."
"Pleased to meet you Chara!"
"I'm super excited to meet you!"
Chara: "O RLY??????"
Takanori: "YA RLY! Chara was totally on the same label as me. She's my senpai!"
Sakurai: "Senpai lol."
Takanori: "Really, Acchan-chan, a lot has happened to me in my life!!!!"
"...moving on."
Becky: "Who the fuck are you and when did you show up?"
"...nice hat."
Hat Girl: "Thnx guyz."
Becky: "...'kay Takanori, now why don't you tell us all a bit more..."
"...about just how FABULOUS Buck-Tick-sama is."
Takanori: "WHY ME?"
Becky: "Cuz you love it."
"Well, uh, I mean...Buck-Tick"
"The fabulousness of Buck-Tick..."
"Their timing..."
"...of their debut..."
"...it really hit the spot..."
"...it was just so stimulating to me!"
"...as a young boy."
Sakurai: "....Thank you."
Becky: "Okay Buck-Tick."
"Now we want you to show us your best shot."
"Of your bottoms, that is."
Becky: "Here it is!"
"The best of Buck-Tick's Bottoms, 2012~!"
"Look at this!"
"It says, 'We can't show your our privates, U DIG?'"
"What's with this 'U DIG' bit eh????"
"Why won't you show us???"
Sakurai: "You wouldn't enjoy it if we did."
Becky: "But we wanna know, right girls?"
*nod nod*
"Show 'em to us."
Sakurai: "But like, we're almost mostly all nude."
Takanori: "Acchan, that wasn't fair, there's nothing left to say to that remark."
Becky: "Anyhow, we want to ask about privates."
"Please tell us, what are you normally doing at midnight on Saturday night?"
Sakurai: *whisper giggle*
Takanori: "....."
"I may be on the scene, but I'm really just an outside observer."
"Imai never answers questions."
"Let's ask Imai."
Imai: "Uh....midnight?"
"...on Saturday?"
"Yes, that's right."
"....I'm watching TV."