Post should be titled, "Gotta Catch 'Em All, or, You Know You're Old When."
Does anyone else remember this site?
Wonder where Hide and Toll are? Don't ask us, we have no idea. We have no idea who made the site and it's long gone into the lost bits of internet history, fallen by the wayside on the staticky road of electronic time. But if you caught a Pocket Bishonen yourself at some point, please leave a comment for posterity.
On another note...
Thank you for your continuing concerns about our health. This illness has been far longer and more difficult than we anticipated, but we are now well on the road to recovery and hope to resume normal operations within the not too distant future. Thank you so much for all your messages of support - we plan on responding to all of them, it will just take some more time. This year, NGS welcomed our thirteenth anniversary (holy crap!) and we're not ready to call it quits just yet. Thank you for your patience.