This is two days late, because Cayce has been ill.
Thank you for your sympathy and we're not yet fully recovered, we're still accepting hot toddies.
Anyhow, self-congratulatory though it may be...
Monday, January 27th was the 8th anniversary of the public opening of This is NOT Greatest Site.
If This is NOT Greatest Site were a human child, it would be in third grade by now.
It has been brought to my attention that some of my readers are still not yet 14 years old. Which means that when This is NOT Greatest Site opened, you, my young readers, were only seven. Which is to say, younger than NGS is today.
Life in those days was quaint.
YouTube existed back then, but we didn't use it very much, because it had barely just been founded. Mostly, we downloaded our videos off peer-to-peer networks like soulseek. We were incredibly snotty and banned people for such small sins as liking the wrong bands. We still talked to each other via AIM.
MP3 rotation blogs were also quite popular, though they rarely lasted more than a few seasons.
People still cared what other people posted on livejournal.
People still cared what other people posted on livejournal.
There was no such thing as an "iPhone."
Dir en grey had never performed in North America.
Buck-Tick had never performed in North America either (they still haven't).
We got our j-rock news from these curious antiquated things called "magazines."
There were still bridge kids in Harajuku.
Buck-Tick's most recent release was 13kai wa Gekkou.
How many of you were Buck-Tick fans back then?
How many of you read NGS from its inception?
Please leave a comment and tell us how long you've been a B-T fan and how long you've been reading NGS. All readers are welcome, including our younger readers.
Many thanks to you, younger readers. You are the future. You play an important role in keeping us feeling a healthy sense of premature old age. Make sure we don't develop an inflated sense of our own temporal relevance. We owe you one.
How many of you read NGS from its inception?
Please leave a comment and tell us how long you've been a B-T fan and how long you've been reading NGS. All readers are welcome, including our younger readers.
Many thanks to you, younger readers. You are the future. You play an important role in keeping us feeling a healthy sense of premature old age. Make sure we don't develop an inflated sense of our own temporal relevance. We owe you one.