
Buck-Tick Friends Network

Hi, Blog-Tickers! Here in Tokyo, we're gearing up for the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas in March - yes, I'm talking about cherry blossom season! After a cold, damp winter, it's finally warm enough to go outdoors and get drunk in a park with lots of friends...maybe if you're lucky...this time of the year still tends to be intermittently rainy and cold! But who cares if it rains on your party if it rains on your friends, too? Especially if your friends love Buck-Tick as much as you do!

Lately I've been hearing from a lot of new readers from around the world who just became fans of Buck-Tick within the past couple months. Ten years ago, when Kame and I started This is NOT Greatest Site, our primary readership was North American, but much to our surprise, this very quickly ceased to be true. For many years now, a very significant portion of our readership has been Buck-Tick fans from various countries around the world who speak English as a second language. A lot of you have apologized for your English when you've written, but frankly, you needn't bother - you all speak English impressively well! We never expected that an English-language site was going to gain such an international following. We never expected we'd hear from so many fantastic people around the globe, but at this point, hearing from all of you is one of the best things about running NGS/Blog-Tick, so thank y'all for splashing warm beer on our cold jaded hearts.

Of course, with Buck-Tick fans scattered around the world, it might be easy to think that you're the only Buck-Tick fan in your country. It's hard to tell just based on web stats and emails, but while there seem to be high concentrations of B-T love in Eastern Europe and South America, for a long time, despite being based in Tokyo, we hardly heard from anyone in Asia...until now! Over the past few months, we've started hearing from a lot more people based on the Asian side of the Pacific rim, including Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Indonesia. A lot of you Asian fans are saying the same thing: I just got into Buck-Tick recently, but there are not enough B-T fans in my country! With so few B-T fans, how am I supposed to start a B-T copyband?

Well folks, we're here to tell you that there might be more B-T fans near you than you think. Maybe even enough to start a band...I don't know (Imai didn't know how to play guitar when he started Hinan Go-Go so don't worry about your musical skills here eh.) Which is why, in cherry-blossom-party spirit, we are opening up this post as a thread on which to request connections with other B-T fans who read Blog-Tick. Consider this a virtual party. Introduce yourselves and find copyband members. We promise we will stay off the comment thread so you don't have to be worried about us making fun of anything you say. Alternatively, if you're too shy too talk, then just sit there and drink your virtual sake in complete silence. Mr. Imai isn't exactly known for his social skills, either. We just thought we'd give you an opportunity to talk if you want to.


  1. I am Korean fan of Buck Tick. I don't know anything about japanese even though I have listened their song for several years, haha. I just wan to notice the truth that there are many fans in South Korea, haha. There is an official fansite written in korean. I really enjoy reading your post. The posts help me to energize myself.

  2. Hi Cayce! Thanks for making this post--it's like those profile ads on newspapers except not :P

    So, ahem, I'm a BT fan from Indonesia and I want to start a copyband. (Totally serious about it too.) Does anyone live within driving distance? And really if you aren't I'd still love to get to know other BT fans :)

  3. Hola! I am from Malaysia and I know zero Malaysians who are fans of BT. Well, I'm not exactly social (quite anti-social actually) so maybe I'm missing out and that's my problem. But with NGS and Cayce, I'm all fine and dandy. I don't mind no copybands but it would be nice to share a bottle of sake.

    1. I'm from Malaysia and have been a fan of theirs for five years now. Nice to meet cha ~

    2. I'm from Malaysia too!!!
      A fan for 3 yrs now.. Still I'm learning bits & bits about them everyday.. There's just so much ^_^

  4. Hello everyone, I only became a Buck-Tick fan last summer, but with the help of some extremely friendly senior fans and a stroke of luck, I went to see them live and it was the best time of my life :D

    But parties like that doesn't last forever, it's dedicated webmasters like Cayce and Kame that nourish the lonely days when the band is on well earned vacations. And hopefully getting to know other fans too! I'm in for virtual drinking and cherry blossumm seeing, even though it's been raining like hell in Taiwan!

    I would sign up as audience for any copyband, and maybe tryout when I can finally gather the courage :)

  5. A warm hello from Romania to other not greatest fans. I was quite surprised awhile back to notice some Romanian translations on the site, so I imagine there is at least one other Romanian fan out there. ;) Cheers, wherever you all are, and thanks to Cayce for this initiative

    1. Bună ! Eu sunt cea care a făcut traducerile cu pricina (și acum că le citesc din nou, mi se pare că sună groaznic; poate într-o zi când voi avea ceva mai mult timp la dispoziție o să le refac). Mă bucur că mai sunt și fani Buck-Tick prin România, majoritatea persoanelor care ascultă muzică japoneză preferă trupele ceva mai noi, dar B-T rămâne trupa mea preferată; sper ca în viitorul apropiat să ajungă în Japonia și să am ocazia să-i văd live ^.^ Dacă nu te deranjează, mi-ar plăcea să mai vorbim, nu am ocazia în fiecare zi să dau de fani Buck-Tick prin România (și da, îmi dau seama că răspund la mesajul tău extrem de târziu, dar facultatea m-a ținut extrem de ocupată în ultimul timp >,<)
      Toate cele bune !

  6. I became a fan about 6 months ago! And this site was part of it, giving insights into B-T world... Thanks for your amazing work Cayce!

  7. Hallo hehe im from Germany and im a buck tick fan since 2011 \(*♡*)/ and i havent met any other buck tick fan so far XD well ok my sister dosent count :9. I love your site cayce ! It makes me laugh whenever i read your posts . Im always looking foward to your next posts !

    Much love from Germany \(*3*)/~♡♡♡

    1. Neeein! Ich hätte nicht gedacht hier einen deutschen Fan zu treffen! Ich weiss dass es viele Gazette Fans, usw. in Deutschland gibt - aber Buck Tick! Und du hast auch deine Schwester mitreingezogen .. ach ja wenn man nur einen Song mag kommt man nichtmehr los. Ich habe Buck Tick vor ziemlich genau zwei Jahren entdeckt und (das hört sich so schnulzig an aber) die Band hat mein Leben verändert (vielleicht lasse ich mich auch zu sehr von ihnen beeinflussen -_-)! Es ist eigentlich schade dass ich niemand kenne, schon garnicht in meiner Umgebung, der meine "Leidenschaft" teilt. Cayce's Seite hier bedeutet mir auch sehr viel, weil sie mir echt eine enorme Hilfe ist! Ein ganz großer Wunsch von mir ist es Buck Tick live zu erleben und Japan zu besuchen! Liebe Grüße! <3

    2. Hehe ja so geht es mir auch XD und wenn ich Leute treffe die Japan mögen kennen sie Buck Tick nicht T♢T. Naja ah ich hab meine Schwester nicht reingezogen sondern sie mich XDD sie hat Buck Tick zuerst gefunden hehe und ich hab mich in seine Stimme verliebt beim ersten mal als ich sie hörte.
      Ich will auch umbedingt Buck Tick live sehen (*♢*) und in Japan leben ! Eines Tages ! Woher kommst du ? :y

  8. Hello! In Mexico there are those who like BT but fans are scarce and can not speak with such passion because not understand -.-

  9. I'm from Singapore and have been a fan for the last 10 years. There is a sizable fan base, especially in Taiwan but I suppose they have their own network/forums in their native language so you don't see them participating in English language sites.

  10. Im from the us and have been a fan since 2014 .so far i havent met any fans .i wish i could see them live. I have a present for everyone . I found a video on youtube of buck tick in there early days preforming future for future, vaccum dream ,and plastic syndrome . Quality of the video is terrible but the sound is fine here you go

    1. Oh thank you for digging that one up again! I shared it on here years ago but it was taken down from YouTube. Glad to see it's back up.

  11. Hey, I'm Ivy from Austria and I am a long time Buck-Tick fan and recently fell deeply in love with The Mortal =)
    It would be nice to get to know some other people, no matter where they're from.
    And I think Cayce's great Blog-Tick is the best place to meet like-minded people and make new friends.
    So, a big thanks to you, Cayce, for this nice opportunity!

  12. Hello, I'm from Slovakia and I've been a fan since 2013. When I saw a flag counter at this site, I was nicely surprised that there are almost 200 other fans in my little country besides me :D May I ask, are you a journalist or did you study History of Art? You have so much knowledge in this field. I always enjoy your great articles and inspiring insights :)

  13. Hi,I'm Amy from Italy and i love Buck Tick.I follow BUCK TICK some years. I love this band and I hope to see one of their live concert in Japan.Thank you for your blog that I follow with interest and congratulations on your beautiful analysis of Sakurai-san!^_^

  14. Greetings from California USA.
    i am an Italian American from the east coast.
    I became a fan of Buck-Tick in July 2015.
    I was listening to J-Mello. Yes that is right I was "listening" to J-Mello, I was in another room while NHK was on tv in the next. I heard the them performing the song 'Dokudanjo Beauty' And I stopped what I was doing to go see who was on the television perfoming this song. Then BAM! I became a fan Instantly. I watched the entire show. I started to search the Internet to learn more about them, feeling sad because they have been around all this time and I never knew of them. I had to search for the english translations of their songs. I have become a Twitter and Tumblr member (something I previously didn't wish to be) just to learn more about them. I now own Victor Mercury, Areola, Miss Take, Wakusi, The Mortal and I Am Mortal. I have also became more interested in Japanese culture. (Always loved the teppanyaki and tempura style food). Hoping Japan recovers quickly from the earthquakes.
    Just thought I would share

  15. Topu from Bangladesh. Started listening to BT when I was 13 (2006) because of Trinity Blood and my brother and a friend of mine are also fans.


How have you been heart feeling?