
51 and Still Sluttin'

Ladies and gentlemen and non-gendered non-corporeal beings of Blog-Tick, we would like to take a moment to wish a very happy birthday to our dear Mr. Sakurai Atsushi, President of Buck-Tickistan. (In fact, if you fact-checked that statement, you'd find out it's an "alternative fact" because in fact, Buck-Tickistan, as an Anarchic Republic, has no President, nor any central leader whatever. But we know you won't fact check because this is the Age of the Internet and everything you read on the internet is true.)

Anyhow, if 50 is the age for grand midlife crisis albums of epical gothical proportions, 51 is the age for a man to prove the following two things:

1. No matter how old you get, it's still cool to both be goth bondage Jesus in a music video, and wear goth bondage Jesus on your deliciously goth-kitsch t-shirt. Wearing goth bondage Jesus on your t-shirt is the new version of wearing your own face on your t-shirt.

Long live Acchan! Long live goth bondage Jesus!

(Nothing says confidence like wearing your own face on your t-shirt, but goth bondage Jesus is cooler!)






2. It's never too late and you're never too old to begin your new career as a stripper!

No, you're never too old to be a stripper! Pick up a megaphone and howl it to the world!

Therefore, in honor of Mr. Sakurai's new career choice, we would like to present him with the following birthday cake, compliments of The Blog-Tick Phenomenon. 

But be warned, Acchan - there is a (g) string attached! Next tour, we demand Kurumi-print panties to match that jacket! Prepare for punishment if you don't deliver. Now eat up!

(On the off-chance that Mr. Sakurai reads Blog-Tick, please feel free to post your birthday messages to him in the comments section.)


  1. May he slut for many more years! I'm so thankful he was born 51 years ago and I hope he is, too.

  2. Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear Mr. Sakurai! May you be forever the perfect voice and beautiful mind.

    And... ha ha! Cayce, your entry is such a delight! I really do hope he reads this and laughs and grins as much as I do.

  3. I only wish that his birthday could have been celebrated at a standing live gig, like in 2013. That would have been awesome.

  4. Happy birthday Sakurai-san! Your strip on Atom tour just made my year ;)

  5. To Sakurai-sama, Otanjoubi omedeto! May you continue to have a strong and healthy mind, body and soul to write and sing and dance and tease us fans forevermore.
    With luv from MY.


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