
Moon Gazing

*spaced out*


"There's a tiny cicada on my third eye chakra... I C U, TINY CICADA." 

"...whoaaa... that black hole next to the full moon looks like the outline of Gunma prefecture!"



*so wrapped up in Gunma prefecture-shaped cloud hole that he failed to notice there was an even smaller cicada acting as a hair ornament*




Though the night meadow was full of the rustle of grasses and the symphony of cricket song, as the small cicadas gazed at Imai, they were dumbstruck, filled by an overwhelming sense of the inexplicable, boundless, wondrous, tongue-tied, awkward silence of the universe. 








Note from Cayce: The insect on Baby Imai's face is not, in fact, a cicada, but a relative of the cicada called a "leafhopper," the common name of any of many insects from the cicada-adjacent family Cicadellidae. Leafhoppers, "Hamushi no You ni," you tell us. If Cidacellidae sounds Psychedelic to you, well, don't ask us, please go ask Imai. Or ask the cicadas. They will gladly give you this simple rhyme that will help you remember the Holographic Principle defining our Universe:

"Little bugs have smaller bugs
Upon their backs to bite 'em.
Smaller bugs have smaller bugs,
And so on, ad infinitum"


Happy Harvest Moon, and Happy Imai Month October.




All photographs copyright yours truly. All photos 100% no-filter, unaltered, completely devoid of photo editing of any kind (for once not even being a troll here, even the bugs are real, they were literally on Imai's face (don't ask how (whoops nested parentheses (holograms got ahead of me))) anyway no tiny cicadas were harmed in the making of this program.)


  1. I fucking love this. With many layers of love.
    *gazes delightedly at the universe, Gunma, baby Imai, the hilarious insects and the lyrics of 羽虫のように, so cryptic (like cicadas! cf. crypsis.)
    *gets a headache trying to puzzle out the connection between insects and Ariadne*
    ~ it's bugging me! 😁

    1. Well, the question is, what will you find when you get to the center of the Labyrinth? That's what Ariadne did, after all. And she had the thread to connect everything. The insects are all from Andromeda, like Imai, who also has the threads to connect everything. We have a working theory that he's known absolutely everything since 1988 when his infamous acid trip launched him into space back to the Elders of Andromeda and they took him out into nonlinear outerdimensional spacetime and showed him the whole thing and gave him his mission briefing but then the Andromeda team ordered him to keep silent so that's why these days he doesn't talk much and when he does, he denies everything. But it's I know, you know, I know, baby.

  2. Aw, so you're capable of NOT being mean about Imai sometimes, haha? ;)

    As a peace offering, here is an old traditional song from my culture, about Imai's Home Galaxy:


    1. So help me, I have never, nor would I ever, be mean to Imai!

      Nice song, btw! I wonder if maybe Imai knows this one...

    2. When have you ever been mean about Imai-san? Cayce, do you want a list? ;)

      Let's start with
      -said he looked like a potato (a genius potato, to be sure, but this is still very mean to our little sweet potato from the stars)
      -accused him of waking up in a dumpster (I've never seen bins so sparkly, if you know where I can get a leopard print bin, do tell!) when you know damn well he can't just leave his spacecraft on the street in Tokyo, think of the parking fines!
      -worst off all, you accused him of not playing or singing live on Nostalgia -Vita Mechanicalis- and just mugging - granted, you saw this live and I have only obsessively watched multiple live videos of the song, and on every single one, he was crouched on the edge of the stage, singing the lyrics live into a Kraftwerk-style headset while triggering MIDI-guitar by tapping with his fingering hand - I have literally seen this bloke tapping melodies with his fingering hand while making outer-space noises on his theremin with his picking hand *at the same time* - his guitars are heavily customised to allow this freedom you're just not a L33T enough guitarist to understand!

      Sorry, I do seem to have turned into Captain Save-A-Hisashi here and I know that Blog-Tick's whole thing is being hilariously disrespectful, but you have often been quite mean about our little Dumpster Potato Guitar Genius

      Also, don't be silly, of course we don't have eyebrows in the Andromeda Galaxy, we use antennae like insects, duh

    3. Oh hey, you don't get to tell someone off for throwing shade on ugly sweaters till you've walked two miles in an ugly sweater yourself, and you don't get to accuse anyone of waking up in a dumpster till you've woken up in one yourself... :) :) :) But as for parking fines, I mean, seven-dimensional craft wouldn't be worth much if they couldn't vanish at a moment's need!

      Mr. Imai did indeed start singing Vita Mechanicalis live, partway through the tour after a lot of fans asked him to! (But, will people pls stop assuming things about Cayce such as assuming Cayce never picked up ugly sweaters out of a dumpster and wore them as-is to a B-T show, or Cayce doesn't know how to play the guitar eh? Might not be quite as good as The Dazzler but Cayce will challenge Imai to that Boukyaku outro any day because he never bothers to actually play it live.)

      Taking the piss =/= being mean.

      Slut-shaming Hide's cleavage now, that is another story entirely. That is a story only Greta Gerwig and Margo Robbie can really tell well.

  3. I’m suffering from “didn’t buy Baby Imai” regret. :(


How have you been heart feeling?