
Either This or Robbery

Buck-Tick have conspired once again to take your money.  Said robbery scheme involves a special edition of forthcoming album Either This or Anarchy, which will include:

- A special LP sized box (without an LP!!!)

- A Blu-spec CD (with the same 14 songs on it as the regular version but shut up it's teh special spec disc sound so clear u can hear Imai picking his nose in the background so cough up u dig?)

- A Blu-ray or DVD (take your pick) with the music video for "Metaphysical Meteor" ( I sure hope Acchan-chan-chan has eyebrows in this one or I want my money back)

- A giant fucking photobook (read: 24 pages of LP sized hueg photos of Acchan-chan-sama-chans' face)

- Three different types of "picture labels," but the DVD one and the Blu-ray one are different so you really only get two.

- A chance to win more B-T crap, including EITHER 1) a special piece of Buck-Tick crap with a serial number on it or 2) a more different piece of Buck-Tick crap you can only apply for if you bought the single too

- A paparazzi photo of Acchan-chan making out with Yutaka.

This meteoric release will cost a whopping 8500 yen.  Purchasable through Not Greatest Shopping Service if you want that makeout photo. (Mental note to Cayce: must buy some good sake and call up Acchan-chan and Yutaka pronto.)


The regular ol' limited edition will just include the DVD/Blu-ball disc with the eyebrow-free music video on it, and a special CD condom I mean slipcase.


The regular regular edition will just contain the CD and the silly coupon you can use to apply for more Buck-Tick crap.


The regular regular regular edition will contain one of Acchan-chan-chan's shaved-off eyebrow hairs.


It's a fucking Monday night, people.  I need a drink.  My old bones ache.


Either This or Anarchy

And this, my friends, is why you read Blog-Tick: because Cayce has an uncanny knack for predicting Buck-Tick's movements.  At the end of my live report on the Day in Question 2013, I wrote a Buck-Tick Weather Report for the coming year in which I predicted a new album release for late May or early June.

Well here it is, folks.  You heard it here first because Cayce lives in Tokyo, five minutes away from the Fish Tank office by bicycle messenger, and gets the Fish Tank newsletter faster than all of y'all.  Buck-Tick's new album will be released on June 4th, exactly when I said it would be! The album will contain a total of 14 songs, but no word yet on whether any of the tracks from the new single are included in the 14 (my guess is probably at least one of them is, but you never know.)  Also, a little bird told me there will be some interesting guest performers on this album in addition to Kokushoku Sumire, so stay tuned.  Details will be announced as they become available.

The title of the album will be Arui wa Anarchy, which translates to Either This or Anarchy.  For the pedants in the audience: a more literal translation would be "or anarchy," but "arui wa" usually implies a comparison between two things, so I felt that "either this or anarchy" was a snappier, sexier translation.

Following the release of the album, on June 18th, the band will embark on a 28-stop national hall tour that will last until the end of September.  Because this is a hall tour, all seats will be reserved.  See This is NOT Greatest Site's Japanese Concert Guide for more info on hall tour procedures.  If you're not a member of Fish Tank already, you're not eligible for priority reservations for tickets on this tour, but if you're desperate to go anyway I can help you get tickets, just send me an email.


Lolita Band Name Generator

Thinking of starting a Lolita Band, but can't manage to come up with a name?  Have no fear, Blog-Tick is here to help you!  Our own patented Lolita Band Name Generator will give you a band name good enough for a pro!  As we've learned already, all Lolita band names consist of a color + flower combo.  So what are we waiting for?  Let's get started.

First, your birth month.

January   -            Russet
February   -          Celadon
March   -              Turquoise
April   -                Chartreuse
May   -                 Periwinkle
June   -                Saffron
July   -                 Carmine
August   -              Ecru
September -         Azure
October   -           Sepia
November -          Filemot
December -          Aubergine


Next, your favorite Buck-Tick album.

Hurry Up Mode   -                  Lobelia
Sexual XXXXX   -                    Hyacinth
Seventh Heaven   -                Tulip
Taboo   -                              Heliotrope
Aku no Hana   -                     Mal Fleur des Ténèbres
Kurutta Taiyou -                    Sunflower
Darker Than Darkness   -        Fleur Noir de L'ombre
Six/Nine   -                          Skunk Cabbage
Cosmos   -                           Cannabis Indica
Sexy Stream Liner   -            Gentian Violet
One Life, One Death   -         Love-Lies-Bleeding
Kyokutou I Love You   -         Delphinium
Mona Lisa Overdrive   -         Fleur Sexy de Seins
Juusankai wa Gekkou   -        Thé de Cerise Blanc
Tenshi no Revolver   -           Alice in Wonderflower
Memento Mori   -                  Chrysanthemum
Razzle Dazzle   -                   Bird of Paradise
Yumemiru Uchuu   -              Apple of Sodom


Put the two together and VOILA, you have your band name!

Now find a friend, grab some violins, put on some frills, and fill the vast cold black night with your squeaky laments.


Metaphysical Meteor

At long last, Buck-Tick have announced the release of their new single, "Keijijou Ryuusei" ("Metaphysical Meteor"), to be released on May 14th.  The track list is as follows:

1. Keijijou Ryuusei (music - Imai / lyrics - Sakurai)
2. Melancholia -ELECTRIA- (music - Imai / lyrics - Sakurai)
3. Victims of Love with Kokushoku Sumire (music - Imai / lyrics - Sakurai)

The single will be released in three versions - a regular version and two limited versions.  The limited version will come in a special package and contain a bonus video disc with clips from the Day in Question 2013 live in Kooriyama on December 23rd, and will be available as either a DVD or a Blu-Ray.  The track list for the bonus disc is as follows:

1. Steppers -Parade-
2. Hamushi no You ni
3. Rhapsody
4. Kiss Me Good-Bye
5. Taiyou ni Korosareta
6. Love Parade

In addition, Buck-Tick will be launching a FaceGramTweetSpace sharing campaign to promote the new single. If you FaceGram their thing and more than 200 people SpaceTweet it back, you get to listen to a sneak preview of the single.  Or something.  If you understand how InstaFace works, which I don't...though it was brought to my attention that apparently, the administrators of the Official Bestest Buck-Tick Fangirl FaceSpace Page refused to link to Blog-Tick because they don't like my sarcasm.  To which I can only say, my dear fangirls, you do know that Mr. Sakurai makes sarcastic jokes too, right?  It's not just me.  In fact, for all you know, Mr. Sakurai and I are getting drunk together right now, making sarcastic jokes about you. We're just not posting them on the internet because we don't know how GramBook works. Also, we're too busy laughing at cat gifs.

Of course, what those of you who read this blog for news are probably wondering is, what is a Kokushoku Sumire?  And all I can say to that is, look at the picture below and maybe you can tell me, because I have no idea. Though honestly, my biggest question is not "what," but "why?"

Actually, I have to confess that I do know who they are, and have even had the, um...pleasure...of seeing them perform live.  They were so, um...good...that I just about cried.

Anyhow, their band bio: Kokushoku Sumire (whose name means Pure Black Violets) are a self-proclaimed Lolita Band who got their start in 2004 and were picked up by producer Hoppy Kamiyama. Known for their trademark matching cosplay wigs, their music boasts squeaky violins and even squeakier vocals, drawing on classical and chanson influences to evoke the fantasy Rococo world that never was but of which all the lolitas dream while they weep gently into their teacakes at night - a world where all the wine has been turned into white sakura cherry chai tea, where all the bollocks have turned into biscuits, a world where little girls never have to grow up, but can sit daintily on white doilies and eat cakes all the livelong day, till they die pure and pristine and alone, fragile and virginal as the special snowflakes that fall oh so prettily on their chantilly-clad (but NEVER scantily clad) corpses.  A world where no more copies of Alice in Wonderland exist, so no pesky literati come along to point out that, judging by her misadventures and penchant for ingesting mind-altering substances, Lewis Carroll's Alice would surely have grown up to be a punk rocker and not a lolita.

Personal friends of Tim Burton and Uno Aquirax, Kokushoku Sumire have been involved in such wide-ranging activities as running a bar in Shinjuku's Goldengai district, composing music for Uno Aquirax's theatrical productions, and simply continuing to exist despite being utterly insufferable...though we suspect it was the second item that brought them into contact with Imai Hisashi, upon which meeting we have to assume that, taking a cue from Alice, they passed him a cute little brownie topped with a note reading "eat me," and Imai took that to mean this was a Special Brownie, and ate it, and was hoodwinked, because we just can't bring ourselves to imagine that he saw fit to invite them onto his record of his own free will while sane and sober (now I'm insane, but I must go when I go.)  And now we all have to suffer the consequences. The lolitas are preparing for world domination, and now that Buck-Tick have fallen, I think we're all doomed.

But before they come for us, let's fill our teapots with vodka and watch this wonderful videographic retelling of Alice in Wonderland by Siouxsie and the Banshees, just so we remember that the world was once a beautiful dark creepy place before it got smothered by pink sugar ribbons and frills.  You can pry the haterade from my cold, dead hands.


Buck-Tick Poster Paradise

These beautiful three posters are now available via This is NOT Greatest Shopping service! They're all very large, but the Zangai one is the largest of the bunch (that's what she said too!!!)  If you want the exact dimensions, email me.  The photo of the Darker Than Darkness poster is cropped at the top.  In fact, there is a gold margin at the top just as there is a gold margin around the sides.  All three posters are in good condition and very rare.  4000 yen each.  Special shipping rates apply.


Also, I thought you all might want to know that a fan gossip site just informed me that Mr. Atsushi Sakurai had with me oh yes sexual tacos with every single woman in Japan.  Every single one!!  Including Imai's mom and Toll's sister!!!!!!!!111  Blimey, you learn something new every day.


Happy Birthday Acchan-chan!

He prepares to bite into his birthday cake.






Happy birthday, Acchan-chan.




By the way, NGS totally actually made this cake and totally actually sent it to Acchan. Like, totally. Cuz he may be turning 48, but we hope he keeps both heads up for many years to come.




Cosmos Magazine

...whoops, I meant Cosmopolitan magazine.

Cosmopolitan is going to show us "how to climax together."

You're late to the party, Cosmopolitan. 

Imai already showed us ages ago.