
Tower Records...


Thanks for all your good wishes!

They paid off.

Report of The Mortal's Tower Records mini-live, coming soon.

P.S. I have no idea who the person in the photo is. But congratulations, now you're famous.


P.P.S. I know the stage was low, folks. I know the band were quite literally close at hand. In fact, we saw what you did there. We saw your hands attempt to go all over said band...and by band, I mean, one man...you know which one! But know this: that man wears pasties on his nipples in preparation for situations like these, so no matter how much your searching hands try to pinch them, you will never find them. You search in vain.



  1. Mini live report! 3 cheers for Cayce & not greatest readers; catalina/ delana

  2. I hope none of those tickets went to waste! Looking forward to the report. :)

  3. Ah, but would he be wearing Mr. Nipple Hide & Protect Care (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61oKwT09z3L._SY355_.jpg) or Nipple Shields (http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--632mW3H8--/vbwwcc1nwghqufcljsb2.jpg)?

    Looking forward to the report!

    1. He prefers a brand marketed at ladies because it makes him feel more at one with his dearly departed boobmic stand.

    2. (You know, the one named Mona Lisa.)

  4. You're one happy person Cayce! And here I'll hae to do freaking out how great the lyrics are, possibly Sakurai's best ever, at least in one album. Thank you for the translations, very few people could have done it.


How have you been heart feeling?