
Empathy for the Beast


The Buck-Tick official website have announced that none other than Mr. Hoshino Hidehiko, more commonly known to readers of this blog by his official Buck-Tickistani title Sexy Beast Hide (#sexybeasthide), has composed a song for a commercial for EMPATHY Corporation, which will air on Fuji Television between 7:30 and 8:55 AM on January 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st. If anyone feels like recording this commercial for posterity, please let us know, since we certainly will not be awake at those inhumane hours but we're dying to share Mr. Hoshino's jarring voice with the Blog-Tick readership at large.

Those of you who are curious about the product Mr. Hoshino will be endorsing can visit EMPATHY's website for more info here [http://www.empathy.co.jp/index.php]. Belying its name, EMPATHY is not a developer of mutual human compassion, but a developer of various and sundry app products, including one called MySound BGM Service, which allows you to create a customized soundtrack for your shop or bar. Our bets are on Hide endorsing this service, but who knows, maybe he's advertising their mobile payment platforms instead. Even Sexy Beasts gotta make money somehow.



  1. If someone wants to post a video link to this commercial, go right ahead but 1) post a caption 2) don't post as Anonymous and 3) don't post any link that says "video has been removed by user."

  2. https://vk.com/buck_tickgroup?w=wall-49424427_37475 here


How have you been heart feeling?